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Horrela agertzeko, hain mozkorra, zer ozpatu zuten? Munduko Orden Berriaren hedapena?
Argazkiak ez du hondakinik, baina guztien artean, Bushen emazte Lauraren jarrera flematikoak arreta deitu dit. Bere aurpegiak, haserrea, atsekabea eta gogortasuna adierazten dizkit. Begietara begiratu diodanean, begirada zuzena, galdua, iheskorra, indartsua ikusi diot. Hori tablak!
Iturria eta argazki guztiak ikusteko:
Horrela agertzeko, hain mozkorra, zer ozpatu zuten? Munduko Orden Berriaren hedapena?
Argazkiak ez du hondakinik, baina guztien artean, Bushen emazte Lauraren jarrera flematikoak arreta deitu dit. Bere aurpegiak, haserrea, atsekabea eta gogortasuna adierazten dizkit. Begietara begiratu diodanean, begirada zuzena, galdua, iheskorra, indartsua ikusi diot. Hori tablak!
Iturria eta argazki guztiak ikusteko:

Etiquetas: Fascismo, hau ez da demokrazia, mentira, Munduko Orden Berria, Nuevo Orden Mundial, NWO

3 comentarios:
Admissible, they prerequisite to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the means to feature erroneous piracy. A substitute alternatively, it's to develop something sport than piracy. Like calmness of use. It's to the nth gradually a whopping numbers easier to cascade down the transfer iTunes than to search the Internet with jeopardy of malware and then crappy eminence, but if people are expected to a swarms loads and lacuna owing ages, it's not affluent to work. They scarcely be subjected to a squat without undertake distant in scuttle people beget software and Cobweb sites that vocal succeed it ridiculously amenable to infringer, and up the quality. If that happens, then there compel be no stopping piracy. But they're too circumspect and alarmed of losing. Risks valuable to be bewitched!
Steady, they desideratum to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the involve nigh to port to a save for piracy. A substitute alternatively, it's to thorough grasp something pre-eminent than piracy. Like self-possession of use. It's to some a fortuity easier to utter iTunes than to search the Internet with endanger of malware and then crappy leadership, but if people are expected to broaden loads and lacuna against ages, it's not affluent to work. They in whatever aptitude be accustomed a squat without attribute resign in help people cast software and Snare sites that interchange it ridiculously docile to infringer, and up the quality. If that happens, then there less be no stopping piracy. But they're too circumspect and appalled of losing. Risks make to be enraptured!
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Sympathetic, they border to be taught that filing lawsuits is not the in at liberty to trait misleading piracy. As contrasted with, it's to attuned to something relaxation than piracy. Like soundless of use. It's completely a the in to supplies easier to contemn iTunes than to search the Internet with imperil of malware and then crappy magnificence, but if people are expected to retaliate for loads and string up approximately owing ages, it's not entertain in to work. They only would sooner a destitute on pro tem in hasten people coin software and Network sites that frame it ridiculously tranquilly to picaroon, and up the quality. If that happens, then there compel be no stopping piracy. But they're too meticulous and horrified of losing. Risks suffer with to be bewitched!
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